ocesan Catholic Women’s League Executive – Vancouver
Spiritual Advisor | Father Augustine Obiwumma | SpiritualAdvisor@vancouvercwl.ca |
President | Marilyn Martin | President@vancouvercwl.ca |
Past President | Sherray Duran | PastPresident@vancouvercwl.ca |
Vice President | Gladys Jung | VicePresident@vancouvercwl.ca |
Secretary | Samantha Strudwick | Secretary@vancouvercwl.ca |
Treasurer | Theresa Weltzin | Treasurer@vancouvercwl.ca |
Faith | Julie Bagyan | Faith@vancouvercwl.ca |
Service | Noli Buyco | Service@vancouvercwl.ca |
Social Justice | Joanne Nuttall Smith | SocialJustice@vancouvercwl.ca |
Life Member Liaison | Pat Deppiesse | LifeMemberLiason@vancouvercwl.ca |
League Prayer
We humbly pray you, O God our Father, to bless The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Bless our beloved country, our homes and families.
Send your Holy Spirit upon us to give light to our minds and strength to our wills that we may know and fulfill your great law of charity. Teach us to share with others at home and abroad,the good things you have given us.
This we ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercessions of our patroness, our Lady of Good Counsel.
Post YOUR Events
Take this opportunity to inform our community of your events.
To submit an event, simply email our
Communications Chair at
communications@vancouvercwl.ca .
Please allow approximately 2 weeks for your posting to become “live” on the website.
We look forward to hearing about your events and informing the Vancouver Council members.