
Cabinet Ministers and Portfolios

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada  National website

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada BC and Yukon Provincial website

Archdiocese of Vancouver

Vancouver Diocesan CWL Council Resource List


Walk With Us for a While: Molly Callaghan, 2009
Deacon Bill and Molly Callaghan served as missionaries in northern Canada. They worked to keep alive the message of God in an isolated and faraway place.

Saint Gianna Molla: Pietro Molla & Elio Guerriero, 2004
“A woman of exceptional love, and outstanding wife and mother, Gianna Molla gave witness in her daily life to the demanding values of the Gospel.”—Pope John Paul II.

Caring and Compassion: Darlene Southwell, 2011
A history of the Sisters of St. Ann in health care in British Columbia.

Lives of the Saints—Daily Readings: Augustine Kalberer, O.S.B., 1983
Short and succinct summaries of the basic facts known about lives of the Saints and Blesseds of the Roman Catholic Church.

Traditions of Faith and Service: Archdiocese of Vancouver, 2008
The Centennial history of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Includes the story of the diversity of peoples who have sustained British Columbia through history by their faith and works.

Human Trafficking: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada resource package

The Game of JEOPARDY!: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, 1999
Collection of trivia facts gathered from far and near, compiled into this booklet, in the popular Jeopardy style of answers and questions.

Prayers and Workshops for Women of Peace and Hope: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, 2010
Collection of prayers and workshops for use by all parish councils.

Stories of Karol: The unknown Life of John Paul II: Gian Franco Svidercoschi, 2001
Chronicles the growth and young life of the beloved pontiff through stories about his family, his vocation, and his intellectual training.

Rediscover Catholicism: Matthew Kelly, 2010
A spiritual Guide to living with passion and purpose.

Edith Stein, St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross: Maria Ruiz Scaparlanda, 2001
A gripping account recalling the struggle with truth, faith and prayer Edith Stein ultimately faced.

10 Good Reasons to be a Catholic: Jim Auer, 1987
A teenager’s guide to the Church

Advent begins at Home: 1979
Family prayers and activities.

Understanding Grief: Rev. Michael Sabara, 1995
Helpful reflections when you experience the death of a loved one.

My Lenten Companion: 1988, The Leaflet Missal Company

Sextet for Lent: 1989, The Leaflet Missal Company

Rome Sweet Home, 1993, Scott & Kimberly Hahn
Chronicles a couple’s journey from Protestantism to Catholicism.


Apostle of the North, Written, directed and produced by Larry Lynn.
Most Reverend Gary M. Gordon, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse, invites us to join him on his travels throughout this vast territory.

Love is a Choice, The life of St. Gianna Molla, Salt & Light Television Productions
Documentary of the life of St. Gianna Beretta Molla (1922 – 1962)

Missionaries for Migrants, The Scalabranian Order


I am Here, Priesthood ordination of Fr. Rex Mediante Velmonte, Collection of songs

Women of Peace and Hope, The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
2010 Keynote address of Dr. Nuala Kenny—Hope in the Gospel of Life (2 CD’s)

Elijah & Friends, 2006 Elijah Music Ministry

God’s Power, 2004, Elijah Music Ministry

101 Classic Piano Hymns, 2005, Madacy Entertainment Group Ltd, (3 CD’s)

Grace & Glory, Psalm 84, Frances Yip

2012 National Convention Photo Album
Photos from the National CWL Convention in Edmonton in 2012


The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

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League Prayer

We humbly pray you, O God our Father, to bless The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Bless our beloved country, our homes and families.

Send your Holy Spirit upon us to give light to our minds and strength to our wills that we may know and fulfill your great law of charity. Teach us to share with others at home and abroad,the good things you have given us.

This we ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercessions of our patroness, our Lady of Good Counsel.


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